You’ve just had a baby – now let’s take some pictures!
Wait… WHAT?
That’s kind of what Fresh 48’s are though! I have three kids and let me tell you, there are few things in life as beautiful as the new baby freshness of those first few days! A fresh 48 is designed to capture all of that beauty and wonder as a family meets and learns about their newest member.
How does it work?
Well, Baby B was coming soon and her mom messaged me about doing a Mini Fresh 48 about two weeks ahead of due date (I don’t recommend you waiting quite this long to do it because of scheduling). Luckily, I had availability and told her to let me know when Baby got her (after contracts and payments). Just a few days later I get a message saying that Baby is here and mom is doing well so we give her the day to rest and I plan to be there the following afternoon.
Monkey Wrench!
The next morning Mom messages me that she needs me to come to the hospital sooner because they are getting out early! YAY! At just 27 hours old, I got to photograph this gorgeous little bundle of joy and her mommy. Fresh 48 are not meant to be glamour shots, but man – they are incredibly beautiful. A gift to Mom, a gift to baby… Something for the entire family.
So, I’m pleased to announce my Fresh 48 pricing! You can find it on my Pricing Page here!
Please remember that these prices are different than regular pricing because you aren’t just paying for my time and portraits – you are also paying for me to hold time. I love doing Newborn and Fresh 48 but I definitely can’t do as many a week! Booking is different so that I can give my clients the time and care you deserve!
So, think about buying one of these and in the mean time, enjoy these sweet pictures!