I have been asked by some of my business owners that I consult with and Lifestyle Photography clients what Branding Photography is. Many haven’t heard of it, even though they are probably following someone on Social Media who is utilizing a Branding Photographer. So, here’s a quick run down on what it is MAJECK can bring to the table in the area of Personal and Business Branding.
Are you a Social Media Influencer? Perhaps you are running a political campaign – or you need steady images to build your business or a brand. Your job should be talking to people, involving yourself in networking opportunities and building your Brand Image. You need quality images, but can’t take the time out of every single day to create them yourself.
That’s where MAJECK comes in.
I get it. I really do. I have been working with Brands for over a year on improving their image quality and personal branding. There are two different services I offer to clients for their Branding.
The first is to offer my services hourly and photograph the client at events so that they have quality images to use on Social Media, in Email Blasts and their website. The second is that we create stories over several hours to match your brand and photograph them. These stories are completely based on who you are, what your business is and who the client you are hoping to reach is.

What does that mean?
For instance, a pet groomer may hire me to take Personal Brand Images for their business – Mobile Pet Grooming. Over their period of time, I would create a story with their own pet and them playing at a dog park, enjoying a sunny afternoon. This invokes a sense of trust in that this business owner has pets and loves them outside of their monetary value. It invests her clients to her. Then, the second part of our session would be the business owner in around her mobile grooming vehicle. Behind the wheel, what the vehicle looks like (close ups of the pet treats), her meeting a pet owner at their home or office and finally her grooming a pet and the finished results. This allows her clients to become familiar with the process that she employs and lets them feel more at ease.
Pictures tell a story. Anyone using Social Media should be leveraging these stories to improve their bottom line. I’m here to help do that.